Preparing for your treatment
In order to maximize treatment success of your endovenous ablation treatment, please follow these steps in preparation for your procedure.
Please take the time to talk with Dr. Weitzman and his staff about the procedure and the pre-op and post-op instructions. Please ask us if you have any questions regarding how to wear compression stockings.
Report all medications you are currently taking to including blood thinning medications. Dr. Weitzman will give specific advice regarding these medications.
The day BEFORE your procedure
- You will receive a phone call the day before your procedure to review instructions.
- Drink plenty of fluids the day before your procedure and after your procedure.
Pre and Post Op Instructions
- Take a shower the morning of your procedure.
- Do not eat or drink anything 8 hours before the procedure.
- Avoid applying moisturizer or lotion to the leg.
- Bring your prescribed compression stockings with you, if you have them.
- Wear loose, comfortable clothing and loose-fitting shoes or sandals to your appointment.
- Leave jewelry and other valuables at home.
- Plan to have someone drive you home after your procedure.
During the Procedure
- You may have IV sedation monitored by an Anesthesiologist to make you comfortable during the procedure.
Immediately After Your Procedure
- Drink plenty of fluids after your procedure.
- When sitting at home, elevate the leg to minimize any swelling. Please take ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), Naprosyn or Tylenol as directed by Dr. Weitzman, if necessary.
- Walk for 10-15 minutes every hour the first day after your procedure.
- If the Ace Bandage feels tight along the back of your knee you may loosen the Ace Bandage.
- It is normal for the Ace Bandage to feel moist or look wet with pink tinge after the procedure.
- If you notice any heavy red bleeding through the Ace Bandage please place pressure on the area and call Dr. Weitzman.
- The day after your procedure please resume normal activity. Being active helps the success of the procedure.
Days and Weeks after your Procedure
- Wear your thigh high compression stockings for 72 hours (first 3 days).
- For days 4-11, please wear them only during the day.
- Schedule a follow up appointment in 2 weeks to ultrasound the treated leg. Recommendations for treatment of additional veins may occur at this time. Please bring shorts and wear loose fitting clothing for this exam.
- Schedule a follow-up appointment in 3 months to again ultrasound the treated leg.
- It is normal to have some mild bruising in the area of the insertion sites for treatment of ropy veins and occasionally local anesthesia.
- You may feel a mild “pulling” feeling in the first 1-2 weeks after the procedure. This is normal. If this becomes uncomfortable please notify Dr. Weitzman for treatment.
- Call Dr. Weitzman immediately if you experience the following:
- Unusual tenderness or redness in your leg.
- Unusual redness or warmth in the leg.
- Unusual swelling in the leg.
- Shortness of breath or chest pain.
- Any persistent bleeding.
Complications are rare
The benefits of treating your vein condition far outweigh the risks of continuing to live with this progressive condition. On rare occasions, you can have numbness or tingling in the treated extremity for a short while. Rarely, you can experience superficial phlebitis or even a DVT. Dr. Weitzman is a Board Certified physician who is able to manage and treat any medical complications you may develop.